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Frequently Asked Questions

Molecular Cell Biology and Neuroscience PhD Program

We typically receive about 40-50 applications for 10-15 student positions in the doctoral program.
Yes, the scholarship is the same for all students, as long as the student stays in good academic standing: A competitive stipend, waived tuition, paid health insurance and most student fees are paid.
International PhD students cannot work any other jobs while being on an F-1 Student Visa. However, American students can work another job but it is best to speak with your mentor about any job opportunities you may be seeking. More importantly, it may take you longer to complete your doctorate degree because you will not be putting 100% of your effort into your research.
The application review period begins after December 15th with most decisions being made between January and April. We encourage students to continue to apply, even after the posted deadline. Applications will continue to be reviewed until all available slots are full with the idea that the earlier the student applies, the better the opportunity for them to be considered.